Laying the Foundation for Personal Success! With Robert Jones
It is about the Exposure, Connections, and Relationships! Robert Jones is the founder of iNETrepreneur, one of the largest independently owned, non-franchised entrepreneurial global networks. The organization offers businesses an integrative approach to personal, traditional, and digital promotion omnichannel marketing. Its core belief is relationships create community, and commerce follows.
In this episode, we explore…
* Robert's life journey
* Building a networking community
* Creating heartset over mindset
* The first steps to a strong foundation
* How to live life within the moment
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Connect with Robert Jones…
Website: http://www.networktogether.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inetrepreneur
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/inetrepreneurradio
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/inetrepreneurnetwork
About Robert Jones...
Robert is the founder of iNETrepreneur, hosts the iNETrepreneur Radio Show, Publishes the iNETrepreneur Magazine, and provides a Low Cost, High Impact way for Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Influencers to be seen, heard, and create additional income.
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