The Power of Stories: Owning and Speaking Our Truth! With Jeanette LeBlanc
Jeanette spent most of her life working very hard to be a good girl. Then, one day she woke up and decided to write her way out of her own life - things haven't been the same since. A single mama to two ridiculously unruly daughters, Jeanette believes in the smooth honey burn of whiskey, the crashing of mama ocean, pencil skirts, vintage band tees and fringed boots, the kinship of the wild wolf, walking for miles in unfamiliar cities, that the burn down always precedes the rise, the singular power of dark red lipstick and the necessity of putting out for the muse on the regular.
In this episode, we explore...
How stories create the fabric of the world
* Finding meaning within our stories
* The two main reasons that hold you back from your story
* The power that stories have to save lives
* The legacy that stories hold for the future generations
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Connect with Jeanette LeBlanc…
Website: jeanetteleblanc.com
Facebook: facebook.com/jeanetteburseyleblanc
Facebook: facebook.com/jeanetteleblancwriter
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeanetteleblanc1/
Instagram: instagram.com/jeanetteleblanc
Twitter: twitter.com/jeanetteleblanc
About Jeanette LeBlanc...
Jeanette is the author of You Are Not Too Much | Love Notes On Heartache, Redemption, and Reclamation - available at all major online retailers. Jeanette helps you discover your story, teaching you how to unbind your wild and write yourself free!
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